I'm an Auckland based designer who specialises in contemporary art jewellery designs.
My design ethos is centred around the luxury of timeless, modern simplicity. My brand, HerbertandWilks Jewellery is contemporary, yet enduring, connecting my understated sense of style with a relaxed New Zealand spirit.
I believe that often beauty lies in simplicity – my work is empowering, bold and forward thinking - inspired by real life and the natural environment around us.
Over time I have blended my interest in Textiles and texture with the metals I work with to adorn the surface of much of the work to create pieces that are authentic and unique.
I experiment with techniques and processes, researching and considering every step in a process. This helps to evolve my ideas.
One of my favourite designers, William Morris, famously said “have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful”.
His quote rings true for the small works of art that we adorn ourselves with. |