Should you Sleep with your Earrings in?
Should you Sleep with your Earrings in?
I've had a few repairs in the workshop lately ...
there's a common theme around why they have turned up looking decidedly worse for wear.
We all are obsessed with our earrings and let's be honest all jewellery for that matter. I would go as far as to say that there are occasions where we are all guilty of not taking of rings when washing dishes or leaving earrings in all the time.
We all know we shouldn't wash dishes with gemstone rings on ... just imagine finding that your ring is missing a stone or two.
But should you sleep in your earrings?

Sorry to say this but my answer is a resounding NO!
Why not you may say... Here are 5 reasons why your should thing twice about sleeping in earrings and they are more common than you think...
- Damaged Earrings, Hair and Bedding - especially if you are wearing longer earrings the chance of the earring getting tangled in your hair increases, the earring post can get bent, the earring itself can be bent out of shape or pulled apart, The earring gets tarnished rapidly, the post can snag or rub against your pillow and cause small tears. Not great for you or your bed.
- Allergic Reaction - I bet you know of someone or its even yourself that have allergic reactions to different metals. For some people this means they may only be able to wear silver or Gold over time. An allergic reaction may be mild at first, but if you wear your earrings non stop the constant exposure can cause the allergic reaction to become more noticeable.
- Infection - If you wear your earrings continually you never probably clean the earring or your ear and the piecing hole. This can increase the risk of bacteria sitting in constant contact with your skin. Although this is more common with new piercings it doesn't mean you will not have this happen with older piercings.
- Headaches - How crazy is this but if you are a side sleeper then having a stud pressing into your neck can cause severe discomfort and if you are frequently wearing your earrings to bed you could start to experience headaches due to the constant pressure.
- Torn Ears - If you are wearing a longer or more detailed earring there is the chance it could catch on clothing or bedding while you are moving in your sleep. With the earring caught and you move it could cause a tear if minor it may just cause discomfort and pain but if a bigger tear it could mean you not being able to wear earrings in that ear again.

After all that, I know life happens ...
so the safest types to wear are generally the smallest ones - ones without sharp edges - try small hoop earrings or Huggie earrings - they are going to move less.